Monday, December 2, 2019

Wow, December 2nd. Look at You Bringing Us Ice. Didn't Stop Me From Meeting My Goals, Though.

I had two goals for my Sunday and I am happy to say that I met them both. The first was to hit the 'submit button' on a collaborative piece teachers and I have been writing, trying to make an earlier deadline than we anticipated. The second was to upload the 31 days of not shaving photos to YouTube to see how my beard is growing in.

Here's a truth, when I couldn't grow a beard, I'm sure the hairs were brown and black. Now that I can grow facial hair, the majority beyond my goatee grow in white. I channel my father's hunting days as I always remember that was the month he looked like a ruffian and smelled like cold deer carcass and outdoor turkey poo. As I've grown older, I've missed that smell and although I don't hunt, I like the idea of not shaving. In fact, it caused me to consult with several of my fully-bearded friends on how (and why) they choose to groom facial hair. It's a pain in the ass.

But I will go with it, because I look better in a Santa hat. I still have spots, however, where no hair grows. I am racking my brain onto whether or not there was a childhood accident to cause this.

I should also admit I took two breaks on Sunday, one to hit the grocery store to stock up for Glamis-sitters #2 this week (that is, I made chili) and the second was to take said dog for a 4-mile walk. It was wet, windy, icy and cold. I loved it. She didn't. It was a break to stop editing.

Oh, and I did laundry.

I'm not sure how this day will go due to the weather, Burt I have back to back meetings and then need to pack the bags for Tampa - collaborative work between colleagues in New York and Pennsylvania.
I hated that Chitunga chose to leave early because of his own impeding workload, but reflecting on it today, I realize he and I are the same....just get the work done.

It's Monday, the first in December, and I'm hoping my mind will soon transition to gifting. Something tells me that when I finally get a break, I simply am going to sleep for weeks on end....(as if breaks are coming my way).

Needless to say, I feel accomplished (sort of). In academia, we just never know. Even so, I try...I try...I try.

Time to fly.

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