Friday, December 13, 2019

A Cartoon That Sums Up The Question I've Asked Almost Every Day of My Life

My answer. Beats the Fudge out of me. I did lousy in my freshman philosophy course, but can attest to the fact that since then, I've lived a life of questioning everything. Still do. Always will. And I am comforted in the fact that the answers simply reveal another hallway of questions I didn't even know existed. Such is the life, I suppose, of a professor (but it was the life I lived as a K-12 teacher, too).

Finding answers typically doesn't provide much comfort - only additional quandaries. And as an 'idiot upon the stage' I simply resort to asking more.

Queu George Carlin here or Stephen Wright, even. Bring on the thinkers who live similar paths.

A day away from the office turned into a day at the office working 3 hours past the time I assigned myself

I knew Chitunga was coming home for a quick weekend, and I want to have every second I can available to him (he's only got one more semester left, and this one exhausted him - I want to provide home while he's here, however he chooses to define it for the weekend).

I also have obligations to a benefit and to a show at the Cabaret I booked with friends months ago. We are fitting in the tight squeeze before the holidays.

Why am I here? Why are any of us here? What is any of this really about?

I don't know, but I try to tackle it with hard work and humor. Edem was engrossed in CSPAN when I got home, and I found myself stress cleaning to avoid the insanity of the news. Occam's razor is usually my go-to reaction. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, well, I'm pretty sure it's a duck, unless we choose to call it a swan. Then it is a swan. Or maybe it is a wren. Wrens are cool, too. Ducks can be wrens. That is, until they go to quack, and it's a wren noise. But birds don't exist - it's in our imagination.

The only truth we have is birth and death. The in-between is the chaos we call life. While I have this chaos, I'm choosing simple definition of good (which is God with an o)(but probably perceived as Evil by others - which brings us back to the chaos we call life).

Why am I here? To promote Hope, I hope.

But that, too, is an evil trapped in Pandora's box.

So, beer. That's antiquated. Bourbon. That's a perk.

What did the dolphin say to the philosopher? I'm looking for my porpoise in life. (Thanks, Alexa, for this  morning's joke)

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