Monday, December 9, 2019

In An Unusual Stance, Glamis the Wonder Dog Positions Herself As If She Is Ready for the Holidays in Syracuse

Although some of the gifts are under the tree, I am doubtful Glamis is ready to drive to deliver them to family. She did, however, pose in front of the tree as if she was mildly excited. I must have said the word, "Walk," or something and caught her sitting up on her bed. She is anxious in the car and she would not sit like this if we were actually heading home.

We simply have to get through this week and next: observations schools, meetings, last classes, final projects, papers, and grades - that, and a couple of holiday events to celebrate the season. The closer it gets to departure, the harder it will be to maintain the routine.

With that said, Chitunga's there now. He has finished his final projects and starts a new accounting job next week, and he simply wants to get the #$#@ out of Syracuse (it doesn't help that they are already in snow season). Yesterday, while talking to him, I totally got the frustration and exhaustion. He wants to be done. He wants the whole graduate program over. He wants to start his life. More importantly, he simply wants to be home.

So, home is where he is heading until the new job starts. He knows I'll be following him to Syracuse soon after. It's all a part of his establishing many homes for himself. I have a home in Syracuse, on in CT, and another in Louisville. I also fee the sense of home in Denmark - locations where I've spent time and taken part of with the local culture.

When a period of time ends and there's a mental space to unwind, however, it's awful not to be in your original space. That's home. I tried to tell him that throughout my Master Degrees and 11.5 hour commute back and forth between Syracuse and Louisville, I felt most at home in the car heading from one place to another. Going and coming were where my greatest thinking occurred. When he said, "I just want to get in the car and process my life," I totally understood.

Lucky for me, he's heading back this way in the processing space. Glamis will be more than thrilled. Now, if I can only get him to sit around to do nothing. Of course, I don't know how to do that, but at least I can expect it of him.

Wow, it's a Monday and a Monday it will be. Back to the accounting and Workday. I can hardly wait.

We got this. Soon it will be Christmas time.

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