Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas, Everyone - I Hope Your Holiday and Family Time is As Joyful As Ours

The Crandall/Barnwell/Isgar tradition is a silly one, but it works for us and it keeps all of us on our toes. We simply eat, drink, read a Flake Like Mike and A Cracker for Dave, then the silliness begins. We move to gift-giving, game-playing, laughter and memories. Sean-man debuted as Santa Clause this year and we added Hank, a blow-up doll for playing charades with Mike, a few frog-portraits, lots of socks, a few towels, and Santa sunglasses. The dogs seemed to enjoy the festivities, too, although Glamis chose to fall asleep throughout most of it, right in the middle of the living room.

The food was delicious, the cookies even better and the company absolutely outstanding. Nothing better than a night of Dave one-liners to keep everyone cracking up. Hank, however, was the hit of the night - not Backgammon or calculus math, but entertaining none-the-less. He was the prop that kept everyone guessing at an advanced game of guess what I'm trying to say.

Meanwhile, this morning, we start all over again, but this time over breakfast/brunch in Manlius.

My parents have a new television and plenty of stocking stuffers (including Oven Off) and Chitunga will have many an outfit for the 2020 season. Glamis got a giant, squeaking squid toy and Papi-Butch has a new electronic blanket and a massage machine for his neck.

Yes, this is a holiday about love, family, togetherness, thankfulness and aiming to live the best life possible - one that strives for goodness and joy on earth. The quest for grace and peace.

Merry Christmas, 2019. May you enjoy every second with your loved ones and friends.

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