Tuesday, December 3, 2019

A Snow Day For Turkeys. This CNY'er Is Not Having Snowmageddon Over a Weather Report. Please

I'm out of here. I can't take the wimpiness of New England drivers and superintendents...shoot, even our University called it off. I kept looking outside for a reason everything was shut down, but I never found one. There were rumors of this and that, but not much fell. Shoot. Even the Fairfield Turkeys were busy at work, having survived the holiday and knowing this was prime feeding weather - clear lawns, worms surfacing, and no one around to bother them.

I'm heading to weather in the high 70s with colleagues from Syracuse and Pennsylvania. Granted, they might be in snowier conditions than me, and if I have to, I will represent for us all. But Tampa, here I come.

The dog-sitters are on their way and the chili is spicy enough for the strongest of stomachs.

Yes, I went to the office anyway. Why? There was work to get done, including the inevitable disaster of Workday and the budgeting crisis that occurs on a weekly basis - I just want K-12 teachers to get what is theirs...the bureaucracy of our system at the University is an absolute impediment. Now I know why so many of my colleagues across the nation say, "Keep your budgets off campus. Set up a 501c account. Manage the money as it works best for kids and their teachers."

Nope. It's a full time job to argue with powers that be that CWP's funding belongs to the schools we work with. Ugh. Shaking my head.

I did get off campus early, though, and went to a few stores. No one was out because it was supposed to be treacherous. It barely sprinkled. So, I got the stores to myself and was able to accomplish a few things on my list.

By this time tomorrow, I'm hoping to have some Floridian snapshots. I am flying the Walmart of airlines there and back, and if my memory serves me correct, they basically strap passengers to the floorboards with your luggage in your lap. They were direct flights, however, and the 2.25 hour flight was appealing.

When I was their age, we used to snowmobile 15 miles in 18 inches of snow to get to school. Please. What has happened to America? Yesterday was just dumb.

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