Wednesday, December 4, 2019

What 24 Hours Mean: From Snow and Cold, to Palm Trees and a Pool. Ready for my 8:30 a.m. Presentation

With LRA, I always find a hotel away from the conference, because conference hotel costs are rather steep. I lucked out, and although I doubt I will get to the pool much (nor are the 60 degree temperatures conducive to swimming), but it still beats the 20 degree weather back home.

I used my flight to finish George Takei's graphic novel and to watch an X-Men film I hadn't seen. I also watched two episodes of Jim Carey's Kidding on Showtime which is really interesting and very well done, although the pornographic scene in episode 2 embarrassed me, as it went from kid-focused, to adult, really quickly and I was afraid everyone was wondering what the old man in the aisle 24B was watching. It was a fast scene, but enough to make me extremely embarrassed. I would think that airlines would censor such material, given the family-oriented nature of most flights.

I will slide into my a.m. presentation then regroup to figure out where I am, what's going on, and what I can do to take advantage of the short stay here.

I was lucky to find Kelly and Elisabeth, and I dropped them off at the fancier hotel before I went out for fish and chips and called it a night. Always strange to sleep in a strange bed, but I'm excited to learn and soak in everything the conference has to offer. I also scored with my hotel room, as it is has a couch, a kitchen and plenty of space to spread out.

Here's to us!

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