Saturday, December 28, 2019

World's Sexiest Couple Only Have Two More Nights Left with Their Only Son at Home & Yee Haw, It's Cynderballz's 50th!

I've grown accustom to the pajama-lifestyle of 5388 Amalfi Drive where  coffee is drunk and dad reports who is walking down the street before the mailman actually arrives. That is why I was taken by surprise when my parents both came out in holiday sweaters on a Friday morning announcing to me, "Well, we're off to our doctor's appointments." I said, "You want me to drive," and they said, "Nope. We got this."

Okay. Let me get their picture then...looking sexy before I even hit my bowl of Raisin Bran. They get check-ups and I go for a run.

I only had one thing on my mind - seeing Star Wars with Casey, Dave, Chitunga, Dylan and the boys, which I did. I'm satisfied, even though my neck is super sore from staining to see the screen - we were way up front. Ah, but it was good, so I didn't mind. I'm always up for eye candy and epic stories. I loved every second of it. I'm a sucker for the series.

But yippee-kai-yay! Today is Cynderballz's day...the first of the Crandall kids to hit the big FIVE - UH - OH. Fifty Fifty Fifty Fifty Fifty Fifty Fifty Fifty.

Yee-Haw. It's older-sister-celebration day! It's also U of L vs. UK basketball day. It's daughter day and mommy day and aunt day and wife day.

Nikki says we're going to start with shots at 7 a.m., but I said, "Not me. I can't do shots until after I wake up...I need until 10 a.m. before I can do birthday shots with my older sister.

Maybe it will turn into The Hangover movie for her - where the shots she does all day erases all memory of what actually happened to her. Who has the roofies and who is going to slip her one? How do we get her performing "I feel pretty, oh so pretty," while she eats a pizza upside down and tip toes on the edge of a water bed (again)?

Seriously, it began with mom's birthday and ends with Cynde's. In between, a savior was born.

Let the day begin.

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