Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Blink. Morning. Blink. Coffee. Blink. Grading. Blink. Ice Storm. Blink. Lunch. Blink. Dripping. Blink. Flood. Blink. Water Damage.

It's all under control now, but for a few minutes, it was simply crazy. I was on my Crandall chair grading when all of us a sudden I hear dripping turned to a steady faucet. In a matter of seconds, the layered ice and rain outside started pouring into my foyer area where the sunlight is. It was a stream. I quickly got a bucket, then sent Edem upstairs to investigate what was happening on the roof.

Here's the skinny of what I think happened. We got layers of ice last nice - so much that all the schools were closed. I'm thinking that the ice around the skylight was frozen, which caused a trap for the rain and melting ice around it. I'm thinking this caused a puddle and that puddle didn't know where to go so it poured in the crevices of the window and onto the floor.

We acted fast. I dried the area above and Edem climbed out the roof to hammer down tiles and to soak up the puddled water with towels. The leak stopped as quickly as it started. It was fast and crazy.

Of course, now I'm just paranoid. Where is the water coming in? Were we right to think it was in the skylight (we think so, it worked)? What happens if this happens again and I'm not there to act so fast? Now, who do I call to repair the damage? Do I do it? Can I teach myself? How much will this cost?

And other such joys of home ownership.

It could have been so much worse and I'm lucky I was seconds away and could act as quickly as I did. Also fortunate that Edem was with me.


Something to keep an eye on.

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