Saturday, December 21, 2019

Reunited With RLAC Alumni & Staff, All While Hearing Jodi Burnash Sing - Such a Great Band

 First on the holiday agenda, all by chance, what to see Rhythm Method perform in Baldwinsville, as they were reuniting for a Christmas special and I knew Reading and Language folks from Syracuse would likely be there. I was right. Rhiannon Berry joined my sister, Nikki, Chitunga and I for a semi-attempt to be normal bar-hopping folks.

Extra special for me was to be reunited with Becky Freeland, who kept me laughing and thinking and focused through all the years that I was doing my doctorate up on the hill. She has since retired (I sent her wind-up toys) and moved to the 1,000 Island region.

The music of Rhythm Method was as good as always and non one can work a crowd quite like Jodi. It's such a good concert with great 70s, 80s and 90s rock. She gets everyone excited to be in the crowd, singing along.

Wow. It seems incredulous that I met these women in 2007, and now 12 years have flown by. Where did all the time go? When can we get together again? Why does everything move so quickly.

Jodi. Rhiannon. Products of KCO and BRC in the RLAC - so wonderful.

And poor Chitunga has to endure it all - me with the selfies here and Cynde and Nikki trying to do a bunch of their own. He's a good sport (we got photos with him, too.

Meanwhile, I'm definitely feeling old and nostalgic and happy, and overwhelmed and lucky and appreciative. When you are living through an experience you don't necessarily realize how spectacular those very moments actually are. I returned to Syracuse for family, but also get to return to Syracuse for extended family. It's awesome, as it got larger and larger the 4 years I was home

Syracuse will always be a home.

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