Monday, May 6, 2019

May Needs To Tell April to Take Her Showers Away. We're All a Little Too Saturated. But It's Healthy.

And the day after Derby, Crandall(s) sleeps until 8:30 a.m. - felt like I lost a little life. It was a deluge kind of day, so I worked on grading until I couldn't take it anymore, then got out the raincoats and went for a long run. Actually, running in the rain is one of my favorite things to do, as long as it isn't too cold. Later, too, it let up enough to take Glamis for a long walk (albeit the rain didn't stay away for long).

It was hard to get Glamis up, too - she lost all of Saturday to sticking her nose into the crotches of guests and begging them for food.

The rain was helpful, however, to bigger plans this week, as I needed a day in my office getting ready for the Student Teacher Celebration, the 8th grade Writer Celebration in Greenwich, PD, and of course the BHEA Awards (Um, I forgot about these. They're Thursday).

And the graduate projects are in. I will find the time. I will find the time. I will find the time.

I was very glad to get my run in yesterday, because I ate the Kaitlyn cookies for breakfast. Basically baked butter, chocolate and sugar, but so good.

But so tired. So So tired. I can't wait for Friday to get here and, better yet, all my grades to be in.

Good news? My office is almost empty for the renovations. Um, Okay, that isn't true, but it will be. Finally, Happy 1st day of Ramadan to my Muslim friends. I am thinking of you.

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