Monday, May 13, 2019

Finishing Spring Semester, 2019, Like a Zombie Hanging on a Wall In Canisius Hall

And the rainy Sunday, Mother's Day, was the last hoorah of a tiring week, following and exhausting semester, that lagged by an impossible year. With 20-minutes on campus yesterday, I finished emptying out my office and completed the last gradings of graduate work when I realized, I'm absolutely dead. As I departed my vacated office I couldn't help but hang a zombie finger pupped on a nail and called it a day - an end of time - before I get the opportunity to a NWP summer and rebirth. We'll see if he makes it through all the work in my building as I'm relocated for the summer.

The cold temperatures and rain symbolically brought a close the work, as well, and I was ready to go to bed at 6 p.m., simply keeping my eyes open to talk to Chitunga at 9. Funny how a body absolutely collapses when it knows it has permission to sit still, chill out and unwind without need to prepare for this, attend to this, or catch up on that.

I wish I had a bootleg copy of End Game so I could finalize the semester with some joy and fast-moving eye dazzle. I could use a little Marvel-ous cinematography to call it a day.

Ah, it's the first Monday in a long time where I still have items to attend to, but not the pace that I've been keeping for the last 10 months. Now bring on the sun, the barbecues, the sweat and the summer shenanigans. We'll be busy with the institute and literacy labs but for at least 30 days there will be no grading, no classes to prepare, and no professional development to conduct (well, not like usual - I do have some commitments, but they're no every day and around every corner like it's been.

Aaaargh and Raaaaawr, 2018-2019. I'm ready to fold you over and move on. Having to clean out an office to kill it all off was quite the task.

It is done, and so am I.

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