Thursday, May 30, 2019

A Bucket of Meatballs? Now, That is an Appetizer I Never Thought I'd See. Ah, to Live is to Experience

I ordered a salad (and a variation on the Old Fashion that used peaches, which was flavorful, but a bit overpowering). The salad was a citrus blend and delicious, but the table also decided to sample the food at Barra's in Shelton, these incredible fried rice patty balls, and a roast beef hero, which was also spectacular.

I was fortunate. I didn't enjoy the meatballs because I like my mom's, my dad's and my own. I was able to deny the 10-pound bucket of beef. Everything else was extremely tasty, and I'd recommend the restaurant to everyone, especially if you want to eat. It was odd, however, as we were the first customers in and felt like carrion while the wait staff fought over who'd get our table. Their menu also comes on these huge pieces of wood that were too clunky to look through, especially in the frigid air. Yet, it was a great dining experience.

I promised myself, too, that I wouldn't write anything about a customer that sat near us, especially because I kept trying to pinpoint why she looked familiar...a cross of Scooby Doo's Velma, Howdy Doody, Pat from SNL and Chucky. It was a look I'd never seen before and the writer in me was trying to describe how I might write her into a story. I hate that my mind works that way and that I'm a cross of Mr. Potato Head, Jim Carey, John Belushi and Augustus Gloop. It takes characters to compose a lifetime.

On a greater note, I began to assemble summer notebooks and I love the tropical colors we chose for our workshops and institutes in July. I'm thinking we will all need to wear leis, too, to feel like we are on holiday while we are working so hard during our 'vacations.' It's time for Young Adult Literacy Labs, Ubuntu, the Teacher Institute and The Superpower of Hope. Slowly, it is all coming together and I'm looking forward to hosting all the kids and teachers at Fairfield University this summer.

Ah, but this rain and dampness needs to chase away the pollen so I stop sneezing and can finally end the volleyball match of mucus between my chest and nose. One second I'm running a 10K and the next second I'm needing to take a nap at my desk because the snot is wiping me out.

It's practically June already, May. Let your blooms be over with so we can get on with our work!

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