Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Piece of Modern Art I've Been Working On? Nope, Trying to Get a Photo of My EZPass # After Nightfall

Here's a truth. Managing your own accounts, numbers, license plates, passwords and everyday numerical existence is one thing, but then there are moments when you realize that you are directly connected to the accounts, numbers, license plates, passwords and everyday numerical existence of your kid(s). This is what happened to me yesterday, when I got a bill from EZPass for $7.00 - it was for $2, but with a $5 late fee. I immediately jumped onto my account and realized, "Yes. I'm up to day. I have money in my account."

For those of you not in the northeast corridor, travel between states becomes expensive as many have learned that having fees for bridges and roads can be great revenue for State departments. The EZpass is one way to stay on top of it - you simply keep money in your account and as you drive, money is deducted as you cross State boundaries.

But this penalty was for a license plate I don't know and during a time when I don't remember crossing boundaries. Of course, I spent 4 hours trying to remember my password, resulting in the need to have a picture of my EZpass. This was the first shot. I failed.

After numerous attempts, I got into my account and learned I'm in good standing. That's when I noticed that the license plate was not mine. I thought, "I'll be damned. They are charging me for the wrong car."

Alas. Then I thought about it. Chitunga's car is in my name. I looked at the dates and that is when he was in Canada with his friends for a long weekend, so I knew it was him. The bill came to me because I'm the primary humanoid on the lease.

All this for $2. Now $7. I texted him to get me his license plate number to confirm (success!), but at least this Shirlock Holmes figured it out.

I thought I was going crazy. I haven't been in Buffalo in a very long time. And I'm thankful for Google Search so I could find the actual locations where the EZPass was charged.

And that is how I spent my Monday night (well, some of it. I also graded, wrote letters of recommendation, and started planning for graduate classes).

The bags under my eyes are not a figment of anyone's imagination.

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