Monday, September 30, 2019

Whoops! Forgot to Blog! First Time in 11 Years! Here's To Exhaustion But the Beauty of Living Near The Beach

From a fancy plastic cup hosting a tequila-laden margarita, I toast any and all who helped to make the Saugatuck StoryFest '19 a huge success. Although they weren't with me, this glass was raised to Kim Herzog, Rebecca Marsick, Cody Daigle-Orians, and Alex Giannini. I'm hoping they found an opportunity on Sunday to do the same.

Yesterday, I woke early and went back to the Westport Inn to get the last of the authors to the Amtrak rail in Bridgeport. I returned to Mt. Pleasant to say goodbye to two of my Syracuse friends, then went to lunch with Rhiannon, Pam, Bev and Leo. We did a dog walk, too. I then returned back to Mt. Pleasant to say good bye to Rhiannon and returned to the beach to meet Kaitlyn, Bev, Leo and Pam for a sunset. This is where the tequila was brought to me - which was graciously accepted.

Now it is Monday morning and I'm reflecting on all that's been neglected for the last week as everything for Saugatuck came together (by the way, behind the scenes I was also applying rampantly for a new grant that is due this afternoon - I was brought into the grant's possibility early last week - what's 8 pages and a bibliography? Nothing. Why not add that to the work of the Saugatuck week?).

We are reporting attendance of 2,200 or so, and already named next year's keynote, Neil Gaiman.
For last night, however, I didn't think about any of that. I simply listened to the laughter of friends, called my son to catch up on how his award-event went, and forgot to write my daily blog.

I've been up since 6 a.m. working on the grant and am thankful to my mom for reminding me that I didn't do what I usually do. So here it is!

Hard to believe that all that hard work came and disappeared so quickly. Ah, but that's what happens. Meanwhile, the sun rises, the waves lap, the clouds move, and the sun sets.

I love the reminder that nothing matters more than a good beach. Thankful to have one so near my home and life.

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