Friday, September 6, 2019

Looking to Center My Center Before Heading Into the Weekend, and Lucky The Connecticut Skies Were With Me.

110 hours with educators this summer. 180 hours with youth. A couple days off and I'm back at the reality of a new semester. Colleagues return. Drama ensues. And I'm still trying to catch my breath.

I walked the dog. It was the only thing I could do on a Thursday night to get focused and to think through the difference between K-12 realities and the drives of higher education. I wish I could balance it out in my head, but I can't. The inequities of the nation are entrenched in the way colleges and Universities operate.

I must find my way.

When Glamis and I returned from a Thursday evening hike, the evening sky celebrated the glory of being alive, of pre-fall magic, and the luckiness to be in a location where I can blog, I can think, I can teach, I can attempt to create opportunities that give others hope and possibility for their tomorrow. Pink skies at night, sailor's delight. I need the delight.

I'm obligated to a day of equity, diversity and inclusion, three words that I believe in (in theory). The trouble arises from (read Horace's Compromise here) with the meaning of the words versus the reality to the institutions we belong in. It's not work that falls into a trajectory that makes sense...especially in higher education.

So, I will keep my mouth shut, and return on Monday to do everything and all I can do for K-12 teachers and youth, especially those that don't have access or opportunity to reach the language and debates tirades in the world of academia.

This morning, I'm channeling Dr. Nancy Cantor and my time at Syracuse University, and the vision for Scholarship in Action. What I took from my time in the 'Cuse is that actions speak louder than words. I prefer to act. I hope that I live the life that my written words proclaim. In the end, I'll be 6-feet under like the rest of us, and none of it will matter, but while I have life, purpose and opportunity, I will try my best to perform the knowledge that was invested into me.

It's that easy. The sky is always the answer.

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