Monday, September 16, 2019

It's Hard to Take a Day For Me, But I Tried. I Did Have Some of a Day For Me, and Am Feeling Good.

I did yard work yesterday. Yes. I cut down two trees, mowed the lawns, hedged the bushes, picked the tomatoes, dealt with the cucumbers, and watched as my butterfly bushes attracted a record-number of monarchs. It was a beautiful day outdoors.

Coming inside, I took a dish-rag from the sink and tied it to my head, then went outside to vacuum the Hulk and de-hair my dog from Glamis's shedding. I should also announce that Glamis had a bath today! She actually walked herself into the bathtub which she's never done.

I'm still in shock.

Not because I managed to tie a dish-towel to my head, but because my dog voluntarily walked up the stairs and into the tub.

She currently smells like the oatmeal shampoo I used. Proud.

And this week is a bit of transition. There is a work-heavy week the following (SAUGATUCK, BABY!), and this week is for a couple more potential grants, teaching, University meetings, book projects, chapter editing, POW-editing, and trying to get control of the indoors: laundry, vacuuming, cleaning, bills, etc.

I've been thankful, though, fro the abundance of butterflies. My plants outside have been loaded and Monarchs aren't the most cooperative to photograph. They want to flutter as soon as I approach. At one point yesterday, I counted 16 on my purple bush. It was wonderful.

Between them, the white squirrels and this crazy burst of dragonflies hatching from a neighborhood pond, my backyard has been quite a sanctuary.

And I've loved every second of it.

I probably should take of the dishtowel on my head.

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