Sunday, July 21, 2019

I Miss My Kentucky Days, But I'n Not A Fan of Their Heat in the Northeast. Coping (Thankful for Pools)

I got the lawns mowed on Friday night (neighbor's pluralizes the act) knowing I wanted to beat the heat. Saturday, I did my morning work rituals and then said, "Crandall, Get out there an Run!"

I did and it was brutal, but it was reminiscent, too, to the summer runs in Kentucky (heck, Spring and Fall at times, too). I always said that I run better in the blanket of high humidity and yesterday was no exceptions. I had a great run, even though it took over an hour to stop sweating. I ate lunch, got groceries and then said, "If I don't get out of the house now, I will never leave," so I drove to meet Bev, Leo, Pam and Kaitlyn for a day at the condo's community pool. It was a rough one and a pool makes it so much better.

It makes me so thankful for all the year's I had Cherry Height's swimming as a kid: The Marleys, The Carolis, The Ferrios The Nicholoffs and The Becks until my parents bought a pool my freshman year of college. Phew. From that point on it was a ritual of living as much of my summer life swimming on Almalfi Drive. It's just enough cooling to take the edge off the hot days (and was a great shower after a long run) .I started thinking about all the rafts we would by and games we would play, including home run derby and volleyball. We could entertain ourselves for hours while staying refreshed.

I know there's a Rowayton 6 mile run today and I am wishing all the runners the best in the heat. It is likely to brutal and I hope they get some shade.

I remember, too, the nights like this when we didn't have air conditioning and we'd all try to sleep on top of the covers, but it was pointless. I would always lay in the hallway in front of the fan. Such misery. I don't miss those days and I welcome the cooler temperatures again. A departure from the humidity will be nice (and Abu was helping a friend move in NYC today - I can't imagine how disgusting they got because nothing is worse than hot days in the Apple.

One more day of this. Stay hydrated and cool.  Phew.

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