Sunday, August 4, 2019

Short-lived, But Much Need Respite with Relatives in Long Island. It Was a Spectacular Saturday.

 We don't have a lot of time this weekend, so we are taking advantage of the short-lives opportunity on the clock. I got up early on Saturday and when for a long run, and when I returned, Tunga was read to sight see, but also to find a great restaurant in Montauck which was phenomenal for sushi rolls (tuna and avocado) as well as scallops and blackened Mahi-Mahi. Tunga laid in a a hammock to reach while I worked on auction items for the benefit and made arrangements with the organizers.

In the evening, we had dinner at my Uncle Milford and Aunt Sue's house. Um, yum. Delicious. They made pasta, tomato, olives, mozzarella, basil and vegetables. which was perfect for the margaritas (my uncle has mastered them) and salad that my Aunt Sue made.

As we were leaving, Chitunga found a USAir hat (all corduroy) that my dad gave Milford and he put it on as we departed the door. He said, "Send this to Papi Butch before we leave,"

It always wonderful to be in a new location, and to see that everything is jiving just as it should. Tonight, we will have the benefit for Hoops4Hope, and then Tunga and I have to fight the Gods to be sure we catch our Ferry in time so we can be home by 1 a.m..

Meanwhile, my cousin Mark is exhausted. I get all week, arrange people all year, and host a Sunday evening international affair. It's a lot.

I'm just glad that we get to be part of it. Looking forward to the crowd, the public relations, and the the opportunity.

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