Saturday, August 3, 2019

And With That, He Is Taking a Breather. Crossed The Pond To Amagansett with Chitunga for a Quick Get-Away

If I was a little feisty at the end of the 6th week, as families were celebrating the writing of their kids and teachers were hugging goodbye, it was because there was only one ferry with a spot on it and I wanted that for the Hulk, Glamis, Chitunga and I. We are on our way to the Hoops4Hope Summer Benefit in Amagansett.

It was hard for me to rush out, because Ubuntu Academy and Project Citizen were simply amazing this year, and I could have spent well into the evening talking to parents about what they heard the students read and what they witnessed with passion, diversity, heart-felt dedication and a location for kids to write what is on their minds. Meanwhile, Chitunga was on his way back from Disney World with Ernst & Young, and our goal was to meet at 4:30 and hit the road so we could talk that one last spot on the ferry,

We got it, but he had to go inside to the cabin so he couldn't finish a paper for an online class this summer, and I was on the outer deck with Glamis who works the boat as if everyone is her friend. I was lucky, though, because my view was spectacular. This was the sky.

We made it to Amagansett around 10:15, and I was glad to hear Abu made it safely to Syracuse around 8 p.m. (great timing). It was an interesting shuffle on Mt. Pleasant in the afternoon as Abu was packing to leave, Chitunga was unpacking from Florida and repacking for Long Island, and I was basically unpacking from the last 6 weeks (read 2018-2019 school year).

The summer programs are officially done so I'm with my cousin to help him out for 48 hours before we head back to the Nutmeg.

I am so so so grateful to the CWP teachers and writers who made this summer one of the most successful to date. I will spend the next three months listening and reading their work in absolute awe as we go forth to edit POW! Power of Words, the 6th edition.

I'm most excited about the theme, The Superpower of Hope, as it resonated with many and was a catalyst for phenomenal thinking, communicating, artwork and collaborations.

Good Morning, Saturday. I'm going for a run, then heading to the beach. Counting my blessings.

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