Monday, April 15, 2019

Trying to Find My Center On a Monday, When I Realize Time is Not On My Side, But Expectations Are

I thought I was clever to respect the spring breaks of in-practice teachers, so that I'd find space in my work-week to chisel out time for myself. During the University's spring break, I worked each and every day participating in the Jacqueline Woodson event, professional development for K-12 schools and the Writing Our Lives conference. Hence, there was no break. In my head, I said, "But when there's spring break for K-12 teachers, I will have space to slow things down some."

Nope. Because the University doesn't stop, nor does the meetings, the grading, and the planning as we get to the pinch of the semester. After Easter break (which begins Thursday afternoon), there's only two weeks left. And, alas, although undergraduates have next Monday off, graduate students don't.

I guess this is the curse of academics who work with K-12 schools. There are few breaks because the calendars don't align and when academics can take a break in the summer, this is prime season for K-12 teachers to participate in programs such as the Writing Project's summer institute.

This is all to say that although I graded almost 14 hours yesterday, I am still not caught up. At least my taxes are done, so I don't have to stress about today. I am retreating to accomplish as much as I can in a location with no distractions. I planned to do this, Tuesday, too, but the meetings quickly piled up. Wednesday, I have to teach the turbo. I believe my graduate student will return this week to help, but she's been through her own period of difficulty and I don't want to pressure her with too much. She actually deserves all of this week to process the loss of her father and to find her way back into a routine in Connecticut.

On a good note, I took a break in grading yesterday and ran 7 miles, but I'm sure my aches and pains will make me regret that sometime this afternoon. It felt good, though.

And guess what, Butch? I mowed my lawn before you (tongue out expression here). With hopes that I might actually sneak away for a couple of days for family time in Syracuse and knowing the early week forecast is for rain, I knew I needed to cut the grass. And did. I think I may need to rethink my lawn care provider. They're putting steroids in my soil.




We'll get through this.

1 comment:

  1. Keep breathing! In through your nose, out through your mouth:)))))
