Saturday, April 6, 2019

Proud Son of a Butch - This Purchase Was a Butch Purchase and I Feel Like a King

In 2007, when I moved back to Syracuse from Kentucky, I lived in a little ranch at the edge of Cicero and North Syracuse. It was a great place, but my father was always like, "Jesus Christ," when he visited, because I only had an old fashion, heavy, 18" television. He couldn't see it, so for my birthday that year he got me a 28" t.v. which I've had ever since.

Flashback to Kentucky days (well, Indiana). I remember vividly walking into a Best Buys with Alice and Charlie and seeing the first generation of flat-screened t.v.s that were over $2,500 a piece. I said, "Dang. All the awesome things are going to be invented after we die." Alice laughed and said, "The prices will come down. Wait and see."

Well, I've been eyeing televisions for years, but don't get much use out of them other than basketball and occasional shows - unless the soccer-fiends are home then it's never off (there's always Big Bang Theory or Family Feud on one of the channels). Yesterday afternoon, I decided to cash a check for working with libraries on American Creed and took the cash to BJs to get a big-screened, Smart TV. It was $300 and I brought it home, but it wasn't as smart as I wanted it to be, because it wouldn't communicate with my phone and laptop (Apple is sneaky like this). So, I splurged and bought the Apple TV attachment.

I now have a 50" screen, and can project anything from my laptops, iPads or iPhone. I'm sort of embarrassed because I'm sure my neighbors are like holy flashing lights from the Crandall household.
And I'm stoked that the stand is exactly 30 inches, which is the width of the TV stand my mother bought me way back when in Indiana. Still, I think I will be investing in a wall mount, as it would push the screen up and back a little more, making it seems like the living room is bigger.

I'm not sure how long I will keep cable, now that I can streamline videos, pull from the Internet, and send items from other equipment in the house. Ha, and the best thing is? The Apple t.v. comes with a Siri-operated remote control: "Siri, find my end-of-the-year montages on You-Tube."

I so rarely indulge. I now think I have a reason for my parents to visit once again.

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