Friday, April 19, 2019

Conquered a Tremendous Task Before the Deluge of Rain Hits Syracuse for the Next Three Days

At Christmas, I realized that my parent's pool cover and sand bags all blew into their pool during some storm, and was trapped in ice. I wanted to fix it then, but getting a tarp detached from ice is, well, impossible. So, after a long run, and then a walk with the dog, I decided to tackle the pool. My father isn't as nimble as he used to be and as his fingers froze and his knee cramped, I told him he was a wonderful human paper weight. He could stand, while I bent down and slowly got everything out of the pool.

They had a disastrous summer last year, as sand kept blowing out of the filter into the pool. It was grey, green, and unusable (until they learned the filter was put on wrong). I kept hearing about the tragic summer from Connecticut. I didn't want this for them again, so I promised that the one decent day I had, I would do all I could to get the pool summer ready.

The bags are out and cleaned, rolled up and put away in the shed. The tarp has been hosed and groomed, and the leaves have been skimmed out from the bottom (well, as many as I could get). The whole event took about 3 hours to complete and then I went to Watertown with Cynde to pick up Dylan from Ft. Drum. Running yesterday and then driving 4.5 hours to my parents, then working today after running and driving too and from the base has every part of my body throbbing.

But it's done. And before the rain. Which is coming. For the next three days.

I'm feeling accomplished and like a major goal for my home visit was met.

Now, with indoor life, I can grade.

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