Monday, April 29, 2019

Tasted a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (with Minor Accomplishments), So Entering Another Work Week. Well....

First of all, any and all who found the time to get tickets and sacrifice 3-hours of your weekend life to the last of the Marvel movies, End Game (who are we kidding, there will be more), I hate you. I received emails and texts, read online posts and know, I will not be focused again until I catch up with others. I secretly was hoping that Chitunga would wait until he came home to see it, but he's young - there's no way in hell he would wait. He went on Friday. Now I feel like I've totally lost out.

I did, however, catch up on grading, worked on writing projects, cleaned somewhat, shopped, and am ready for the last week of classes.

But End Game. @#$@#$! Screw you all who saw it. I should have, but I will need it to be the perfect time and moment. All across the cable universe, they've played all the films leading up to it (with those stupid commercials that interrupt the enjoyment) and although I tried to pretend it was a simulacra of the real thing, it wasn't.

Jessica and William came by, and we discussed summer work and other projects leading to the Fall, and Pam came by to use the CWP laptop to finish final projects of her own, but somehow I feel cheated from a I'm anti-American because I didn't see the movie. I will. I know I will, and if I know myself (which I do), I will be lost, unfocused and bitter until that time comes.

Oh, Mondays. Soon, you won't have the tragic, depressive pull that you currently have, but right now in April, you still do. This week, the projects begin pouring in (and I'm ready for them). But, I'm already thinking to 2019-2020 (and End Game) so I'm very much ready to move on.

Can it be Friday already?

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