Friday, April 26, 2019

And After a Long Day, Much on the Agenda, and an Evening of Crazy, It's the J.C. Time Machine That Made My Day

As I took part in a National Book Award recognition meeting, conferenced with my cousin over Hoops4Hope work, and tried to process a day of meeting after meeting after meeting, my little sister shared with me, my sister and my mom, my nephew's music concert at school where he played the mad scientist who had control of the school's time machine - they kids could go back in time to summon up music of yesteryear (like the Beach Boys).

This is one for the record book, because it's youth, it's fun, it's playful and it makes parental participation in a school performance fun, hysterical, nostalgic and proud. I wish I could be there in person to see all the kids in action: the singing, the lines, the storytelling and the commitment to the arts that my nephew's school encouraged.

And today it is Friday. I have a deadline. I have a summer to plan. I have a house to clean. My lawn, which is green and plush like Chitunga desired, needs to be mowed and trimmed (holy change of scenery over the last 3 years - he made a good call. We went from dirt, dustbowl to grass wonderland (although I think it is on more steroids as I've been with my cough).

I definitely am on a T.G.I.F. motif, and I will be on campus to do more (the summer months will be here before we know it).

Breathe in. Sneeze. Breathe out. Cough. It's allergy season.

All in all, however, Congratulations, Jacob Charles! You were a hit and I know this because we all loved seeing the photographs and video clips.

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