Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Hmmm. The Process Seemed Vaguely Familiar. Like A Flashback. But I Couldn't Put My Finger on What It Was

The cough came in January. It did me in, but I beat the Mucinex Monsters. They returned in February for a short stay, but I used Ginger All. They attempted a comeback in March, too, but I kicked them out.

Then allergy season hit: the grasses, the pollen, the shedding dog. It hit me first in early April (on top of it and in control), but then hit me while in Syracuse for Easter. I was running great than all of a sudden I began coughing.

Returned to CT, took it easy on Monday and only walked, and got up to run today and there was too much pain. I needed to cough but nothing would come up. So I went to work. As the day went on, the breathing became harder. I could feel the oozing of phlegm filling my lungs and rotting there. It hurt.

I did afternoon PD and checked into an Emergency Care. I really don't know how to do doctors, but I did my best. They said it would be a 45 minute wait, but it was like two minutes.

My vitals were fine, although my oxygen was a little low, and I had a high temperature. The doctor came in right away and listened to my story before doing the breathing things. He simply reported, the lungs are quiet - they're working against an infection. This is an asthma attack, but I'm not diagnosing you with asthma.

Okay. Fix me.

I did a treatment nebulation there, then received steroids (hoping to be extremely cut in the a.m), and cough suppressants (although I really want to cough it all out). I'm allegic to everything but plastic gloves, so I asked if it was possible to blow up one and step into it for a few weeks. I didn't expect a laugh. I didn't receive one.

It's so weird. I've been running great, sleeping great, and thinking great, but this crud keeps attacking me. I'm not the only - several graduate students have been fighting the same thing (although they gave in and went to the doctor a lot earlier than I did).

I'm a horrible patient. I get so frustrated when I know I need to sleep and chill-out. It's too hard for me, but I'll do what I can.

Phew. Ugh. Yuck.

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