Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Wait! How Is It Tuesday Morning Already? And Why Did I Stay Up So Late Getting Work Done?

I have one reason to be thankful for the dentist - she provide me an interruption within a work-obsessed kind of day.

Yesterday, I was full-steam ahead planning for the week when the Dentist called saying they had a cancellation and room to have my new crown installed (it's a well- known fact that my mouth is worth much more than I am). I was up at 7 a.m. working, so the 11:45 time seemed like a nice break in the day.

It actually was, despite the novocaine and intrusive probing on one of my two remaining wisdom teeth (he's an idiot they kept saying...an idiot).

I returned to walk the dog, and then jump back into planning and weeklong goals. Actually, I'm not sure what got into me (stress, anxiety, deadlines, pressure, fear), but I made the house extremely quiet and finished a very sloppy, perhaps awful, but hopefully not too bad first draft to an article I was asked to write. For weeks I've had the framework in my head, but I wasn't quite sure I'd be able to pinch my ideas into the genre that was asked of me. Well, I did.

I actually got into the flow (thank you Csikszentmihalyi for that secret of happiness and for always needing to consult the internet for a spelling of your name).

I simply lost time, and when I finally decided to retire last night I was like $@#$@! YOU SAID YOU WERE GOING TO BE IN BED BY 9!

Drat, and I would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for those pesky kids.

Actually, it is how I work. I know what needs to get done and I often procrastinate by working on other projects that need to be done, so the fact that I am a little ahead on this one project was a way to procrastinate on another. I just hope that when I get back to it on Thursday (full-throttle teaching and meetings ahead until then) I wrote something that makes a semblance of sense.

Okay, Tuesday. Monday allowed me to be Presidential with my time yesterday (well, not a golf course, but accomplishing what needs to be done). For that, I'm thankful.

And I'm off.

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