Saturday, February 23, 2019

Sharing Love For The Parental Units for Their Yearly Birthday Check - I Always Know How I'll Spend It

1. I'm cheap.

2. I need to run even more than I'm currently running because it's been a heavy winter.

3. Last week, I turned 47 years old. I'm usually not one to think about age, but this one seemed to creep up on me, as I'm gaining access to 50 sooner than I ever thought was possible.

4. I am thankful that my mommy and daddy always send me a check for my birthday, and I knew I needed new sneakers. I've never worn Brook before, but I found a pair on a clearance rack, as well as a pair of Sauconys (which I love) and with my parental love and a coupon, I got both pair for a really good price.

5. Now, all I want to do is run.

Here's the irony. I hurt. It hurts to run in ways that it didn't used to, but when I was thinking about my mid-life crisis, it's not about young blondes or sports cars, it's simply to have sneakers so I can take my Ripley-Crandall arse out to the streets (which has been a sense of joy for me since I was in high school). I simply want to sweat out of the stress of each day in an Aunt Bobbie and Uncle Dick kind of way.

I nabbed the sneakers on my way to work yesterday when I made a stop at a local DSW (which I've been meaning to do for months now). With mom and day's birthday gift, however, I said, "Okay, I have a reason to make the purchase."

I should note, however, that I'm feeling guilty. I have a hard time getting rid of old sneakers as they each have their own tales to tell. I suppose every runner has this fanaticism, where it's difficult to give up one pair when another pair enters the home. It is embarrassing, too, to see the number of sneakers currently in my house (and to reflect on the numbers I've gone through throughout my life).

Oh, but this must be a runner's thing - and I know I'm not fast, or competitive or as focused as I should be, but the shoes on my feet give me the motivation that kicks off my every day.


6. This is all to say, "Thank you, Mom and Dad." I can't wait to make my knees, shins, ankles and hips ache for you, as I perspire ridiculous amounts of sweat while taking a break from my stressful life." That's what running does for me and it is my 45-minutes of joy everyday.

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