Saturday, February 16, 2019

Officially 47 Years Old Today. Phew! Doesn't Seem Possible. And Here's How I Plan to Celebrate!

Yesterday, when I got home from a day of productivity, there were several boxes on my front porch (I'm guessing with gifts for my birthday). To be honest, I have nothing planned...with last week's Alabama trip (wonderful in so many ways) and the pile-up of work as a result (it never ends), I simply want a day to be in my house to play catch-up. I would be perfectly fine with a quiet, no-nonsense, no-interruption day. Likely, unlikely, but I can wish, can't I?

It's funny, because I knew the birthday was coming, so I went into work extra early yesterday to sort of get ahead in case something spontaneous sparks itself today. I needed to be sure I felt somewhat accomplished in case anyone wanted to do anything and would try to convince me to take a break. When I got home, I walked Glamis (it was a gorgeous afternoon) and then decided to procrastinate a writing project by tackling some grading. I graded from 5:30 p.m. - 10 p.m. before I realized my brain was no longer functioning.

You know you're an academic when, on a Friday night, you decide to unwind by assessing student papers you've put off since last weekend.


On another note, my graduate assistant, her daughter, Akbaru, Dr. Laura Nash (who got sucked in) and I unloaded 300 orders of POW! Power of Words (5th ed.) and began to package them for mailing to our 2018 summer writers. Every year I hope to get the publication edited in September, but the other responsibilities of my work keep me away from the greatest joy of my job. I chisel at it and, wola!, it will go out next week when the University mailroom opens back up.

That's a great birthday present! I'm happy to know that the 200+ writers will see their hard work in book form. I'm extremely proud, too, of the team of teachers and youth leaders that I hire to carry out the work. This is the love and work of many - a spectacular celebration to acknowledge on this day.

My grays and under-the-eyes-bags are well-earned.

In the meantime, I'm looking forward to opening my birthday packages and simply soaking up what has become the ubiquitous joy of Facebook birthdays.

And Glamis, of course, will drive me nuts...wanting biscuits, walks, and for me to throw her socks.

Thanks, Butch, for the sperm, and Sue, for the egg! As a result, you created me! I am a fusion of Ripley and Crandall genes and I'm truly grateful for it with 100% of my being.

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