Sunday, February 17, 2019

Lucky. Happy. Fulfilled. Loved. And Thankful. Birthday, Happy, 2019 a Success.

I'm weird when it comes to birthdays. Part of it is because I have a February birthday that always fell during the winter break (so no cupcakes in school) and two days after Valentine's Day (so everyone was hyped for that). Over the years, I simply got used to low key celebrations, and with several years away in Kentucky from Syracuse family and friends, I simply let it roll as it did. Celebrations came from afar and via the mail.

Pam, Leo, Bev, and Kaitlin would now allow that this year. After I finished my birthday run I reported I needed coffee so would drive to OSJL. Afterwards, Kaitlyn left, and then we decided that we were hungry so we ate. Bev and Leo, however, purchased me Pimple Pete, an acne/pus game that squirts at you if you make the wrong mood. Long story short, we played that much of the afternoon - finding pleasure and discuss with pulling pimples out of poor Pete's face, only to get squirted from time to time by our moves (aka BEST GAME EVER). Pam gave me a basket of materials to start a fire - which is incredible, because for the last several months she's been stashing her lint, paper, and extras into paper towel, Christmas wrapping paper, and toilet paper tubes all while thinking of me. Why? Well, I love my fire pit (Father's Day gift from Tunga a few year's ago) and I need my starters!

When I came home from the afternoon gathering, I delved into the boxes and bags sent to me from afar (and, well, locally, from Kaitlyn). I have a Niffler Bank, Crandall University gear, more barbecue sauce and seasonings, equipment for my grill, and a new piece of Garden Art with God grant me the ability to accept the things I can, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. They were wonderful gifts that will make Mt. Pleasant a warmer, more special place.

I am very appreciative of the emails, phone calls, Facebook posts and face-to-face demands to make me celebrate my birthday.  It was a wonderful day and I'm a lucky, fulfilled and loved mad. I am also very thankful.

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