Wednesday, February 13, 2019

I Obviously Live in the Northeast - Two Angles of a Tuesday That Just Was

The good news is Connecticut shut down for the day, including the University. The 21st century news is that didn't deter meetings because our department had to get items accomplished and two important were meetings were scheduled on campus. ZOOM to the rescue, but much of the day was consumed behind screen getting a lot of work done.

Before it began, however, I graded and got outside for a run - it was right as the snow started to fall and it was beautiful - reminded me of my Cherry Heights sprints when one has to be wary of traction on the ground at the same time he catches snowflakes on the tongue. I loved every second of it.

Post meetings, I shoveled before moving onto a grading marathon and planning for today's classes and a PD session in Bridgeport this afternoon.

After grading and planning, I went out to shovel once again - this time with a much heavier, much thicker slush. It was gross. I was thinking about the kids walking to Wooster Middle School in the morning and I wanted to be sure the sidewalk was clear for them. What a mess to track through.

And yes, I pulled out my Kaitlyn Kelly knitted bearded cap to keep the chill and ice from attacking my head and face. Definitely got my workouts from the shoveling (which I shouldn't complain, because it's the first time this season - maybe the last...wouldn't that be great?)

I'm also thankful that I hit Big Y before the storm so I had chicken to make, potatoes to mash, and green beans to sizzle - it was one of the better meals I've had in a while, as I've been on the road (and am still waiting for my food from the Hilton's LAB in Birmingham to arrive).

Okay, world. Time to get out there and do my thing. Looking forward to a less time-constrained Thursday and Friday.

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