Sunday, October 27, 2019

It's The Small Steps In Life, The Pennies, That Can Bring Us The Greatest Satisfaction

When I walk, I never bypass a penny without picking them up. It doesn't matter if it is heads up, or tails, I carry it home and pluck it into my penny jar. In my quest to declutter, however, I decided it's time to bring the copper nuggets to the bank, but Chase no longer has their coin counter so I took them to CoinStar, licking my lips thinking, "I bet I have 700 pennies in this jar.'

With an evil laugh I say, "This $7 is all for me, FOR ME, mwah ha ha,"

I am proud to say, however, I missed the guess. I actually profited with 1,800 pennies, so had $18 for me.

Mwah ha ha.

So much change, so many piles here and there: on railings, desks, in the car, in the change jar, on the tables and on my dressers. Currently, though, I am without any pennies, because I have enough money to buy a gallon of milk and a box of cereal. If I am really mischievous, I might even go to McDonalds and get a Big Mac meal. All those pennies for guilty pleasure.

Actually, I simply used the money for groceries, and I have no idea what they helped buy.

It's supposed to be a rain day and I'm hoping my brain will cooperate with me and get into a writing/research pace. I took most of yesterday off, walking the dog and then going for a walk to Stripe's Yellow, Kathy Silver - who joined me for a stroll in Lordship and short beach - walk-n-talks are the best.

Happy Sunday, friends. It's time to kick of the day.

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