Thursday, October 10, 2019

Introducing R2D2, The Coffee Maker, To Mount Pleasant This Morning. A Man's Gotta Do What He Must Do

Wednesday morning was that kind of morning. I didn't sleep well with my mind on CNY, so when my eyes opened at 6 a.m. I instantly thought about a hot cup of coffee (which hasn't been hot in a couple of months). As I was trying to clean the pot, put plates in the dishwasher and wipe sleep from my eye, I slammed the dishwasher's door shut, and it crashed into the pot I was holding in my hand.

Suffice it to say that I needed to get the broom to clean up the mess, and that my grumpiness had to wait.

I looked down and saw a Kohl's pull-off advertisement, and discovered a 30% off, so waited until 8 a.m. to drive to replace Mr. Coffee 1 with Mr. Coffee 2. Of course the coupon wasn't valid until today, but cranky without my coffee I asked, "Can I speak to a manager? I am in need of today's coffee and although I can return tomorrow to get the discount, I'd rather have it today."

There was no battle. I got the discount.

I returned home and all was well in the universe.

I've been drinking coffee since my junior year of high school and I know full-well the headache that comes when people trick me with decaffeinated coffee. I haven't had but a few sips this morning, but I'm hoping this model, R2D2, will do me right.

Amazing how tricky life can be without coffee in the morning. I've made my way back to survival land - another day of meetings - and I can't wait to get my morning buzz to face the world.

This one has a water filtration system that needs to be changed every month and I'm thinking, "Huh? I just want my coffee."

I'm drinking said coffee. All will be okay.

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