Sunday, March 3, 2019

Rolling Into Sunday Feeling Like the Peanuts Character Pig Pen. That's The Work We Do

I'm making it a weekend goal to shower today. See, I spent yesterday in a grading marathon, and although I'm likely to repeat that today, I'm also going to take time to jump in the shower. Every time I went upstairs to run the water, I got distracted by another email, or remembered something I had to do, or simply got back into the groove of grading.

It's pretty gross.

I did manage to do the dog-walk and it it took me a while to clean up the snow, but otherwise I was in nerd-land, hoping that no one would visit. When my mom and dad called, my dad said, "Boy, do you need a haircut." I replied, "Yes, but it is worse because my hair needs to be washed." I have my mom's hair. It is 100% straight and when it isn't washed it likes to give me the porcupine look.

I always say all I need is a toilet, a bed, my grading chair and a shower and I'm good. Actually, the kitchen is good, too (with a crockpot), as I roasted pork, made potatoes, and treated myself to green beans. In other words, I ate a proper meal.

Otherwise, it was a day of college basketball and reading graduate student work. Today, I'll tackle the undergraduates. I will also shower. It's a top priority on my list.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out my brain. I go all day using it and then suddenly it just goes numb and I can do more. Perhaps I am catching up from the week (month/last 47 years) but I'm simply tired. I am fantasizing about sleeping and simply doing mindless work for a few months. I haven't allowed myself that in a long, long time. Scratch that. I've never allowed it. I think showering wouldn't be so monumental of a task if I didn't feel guilty about it getting in the way of the pace I'm keeping. Such is the digital life of emails, websites, feedback and weekends as an academic.

I feel gross, Perhaps future blogsites will allow my posts to be scratch-n-sniff. I know. I know. You wouldn't like that. 

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