Saturday, March 23, 2019

Hello, Saturday. I So Very Much Need You. And This Morning I'm Waking Up Thankful to Gina.

The way it went down was this.

A Graduate Student in Educational Psychology stopped by to say she's arranging a youth conference at Fairfield University - one that is in its 3rd year, but that she wanted to bring to campus.

I listened and took notes.

The following weekend, I had a gift given to CWP-Fairfield in memory of a writer who was committed to creative energy and the Jesuit mission of Fairfield. I reached back to Gina and asked, "How'd you like to join forces?"

The result was a youth conference that brought a record number of kids together for a day of writing, of activism, of talking and of thinking about their empowerment in the future. There were a lot of kids - 200+ or so, in fact....more than we intended, but enough to make for a joyful day.

I was thinking about retired high school counselor, Faryl Edelyn, from my J. Graham Brown School days who once advised me, "It's never good to clip the wings of worker bees." This was said when a new administrator came in and squashed the incredible projects many of our teachers did to promote kids and their work. Clipped wings resulted in my departure, but the good thing about frogs is they grow their wings back (didn't know frogs had wings, did you?).

Then, when you find another worker bee with a creative idea you recognize the fellow soul and you join forces.

There are many who say things like, "If you don't like the world you live in, you might want to question the people you are surrounded with."

It's short-lived, but Gina is a powerhouse at Fairfield University while she works on her Masters degree and when you see parallel visions, you simply say, "Let's get this magic going."

Yes, it was Spring Break, and true, both of us were on campus late on Thursday night getting things into place, but it is fact that teachers and kids had a powerful, inspiring day.

That's what it's all about.

But for now, it's time to rest. School kicks back into gear on Monday and I'm simply exhausted. I'm sure Gina is, too. Ah, but if you want things done, you simply put yourself into action. That's what it is all about!

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