Tuesday, March 26, 2019

I Can Hope, No? Yeah! Optimism! Oh, That's Right? It's All Pretty Crappy! I'm Not Poop. No, I'm Not!

Funny that the first jpeg found when searching for optimism was a pool reference. There. It's out in the open. Crap. Yep. The dog. Me. Those with children. Poop. That's what it comes down to.

I came home last night after teaching my Graduate course on research, realizing I got ZERO rest while on spring break and needing a vacation. I did rest during the weekend, by not going out and refusing to spread my germs to others; instead, I caught up on grading, planning, reading, and wishing I was ice-cream.

I felt good entering the final weeks of the semester. Then yesterday hit. Crap. They're back, it's back, and it doesn't end.

Still, I'm trying to be optimistic. I did as much as I could last night to get ready for the rest of the week. I also looked at the calendar and all the commitments, distressed the it will be impossible to meet all those meetings, timelines, and agendas. I looked to my courses that need to be taught and thought, "I can only do what I can do."

Then I blew my nose, coughed, and realized, I continue to be sick. There's no time for that, but it is the truth. I need to get through what I need to get through despite the fact that I feel like crap.

Oh, how I wish I was ice-cream. Right now, however, I'm total poop, but holding onto my optimism that I can fool people. Does the calendar really say that I have a 12-hour day today and tomorrow? That can't be, because I'm totally not prepared.

Yay! Optimism. It's all we can have at this point in the year. This, too, shall pass. 

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