Saturday, March 2, 2019

And I Thought We Would Bypass Winter This Year - Well, At Least The Real Winter. I Was Wrong

Rumors flew around campus yesterday that there'd be snow overnight, 4-8 inches, but I couldn't find the warnings online. Apparently, storm-reporting was for t.v. and not newspapers or online Weather sites. I told everyone, "I trust you, but I'm not seeing what you're saying."

The day went on without incident.

Not true. I did hit "send" for a publication, worked frantically with colleagues in Syracuse and Pennsylvania on a conference proposal (they amazed me by how quick they can crank out a piece of writing), and ended up being an Uber driver for drunk karaoke singers (okay, it was the usual Friday night crowd who somehow twisted my arm to drive them to a local bar). I didn't get home until midnight and my body isn't used to that.

When I awoke this morning, the snow had fallen. It is still falling. Apparently, we will have 24-hour respite, then another storm is coming Sunday night into Monday morning.

I haven't had to use my snow blower once this season. My winter boots that lost their sole (the glue was never adhesive for holding it onto the shoe) have not been repaired. I thought, "Why?" The storms kept missing us. I have shoveled some, but it hasn't been necessary.

Today, however, I will attempting to start the machine! I laugh, because in 2008, my father found me a snowblower on the side of the road and I've nursed it ever since. I never think it is going to run, but somehow it does. Fingers crossed I will have one more year out of it (he says once again).

It's beautiful, and now I wish I did buy those cross-country skis!

Here's to you, weekend....grading all the way.

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