Sunday, January 20, 2019

Day #8. Still Sniffling. Still Coughing. Still Hoping This Too Shall Pass, But The Light Snow Looked Good

I made it to the bookstore in the morning and then to my office to begin working on the semester's syllabi. Around 1, however, the cold was back and I only wanted sleep.

I left. I walked Glamis and then I napped. When I awoke, I didn't have any brain power for anything other than college basketball and a few episodes of Blackish.

I'll get back to normal. I have to.

In the meantime, I'm going back to Mike's journal of 400 things to prompt writing.

Describe a room with a perfect view.

My first instinct was the window view on Loch Lebanon, and how nice it would be to see that view through all four seasons if the camp was a permanent home. I then thought about my friend Gita's house in Denmark that looked out at the fjord and the ocean view Preben had in the northern coast of Denmark. My Aunt and Uncle in Key West right now also have a fantastic view of the water from their apartment.

I always enjoyed the view from my parent's house (which my father has picked up, too). I'm just nosey and like to see what's going on outside in the world when I'm settling or settled in doing the domestic thing.

All in all, however, the perfect view always looks out at water....preferably water that can cool, refresh and offer adventures from the land, inviting me to swim, think, play, kayak, boat, or wonder about life on the other side.

Yes, it would have to be water. The dream would be to wake up every day with a cup of coffee looking out to lots and lots of water.

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