Friday, January 18, 2019

Day #6: I Got Out of the House, Fade Factory Did Its Thing, and I'm Trying to Get Back To Normal

Ignore the face. I'm simply happy I have hair on my head and that those hairs get sculpted by the barbers at Fade Factory in Stratford. I awoke yesterday thinking I could tackle a little more of the day and when Akbaru showed up at 10 a.m. to get a haircut, I thought I might as well join him - which I did, then I went to my office.

Let's just say I have no idea how I've been able to work off a dying computer like I have for the last two years. I was able to accomplish so much more at record speed, simply because I had a machine that operated at a normal level. I got so used to multi-tasking because the Mac was always in rainbow twirl land, that I forgot to even question how wrong and abnormal that was. It feels good to have a functioning computer again.

When I got home, I thought, "I can probably keep my evening appointments," but while grilling cheese and doing soup one more time, I realized, "I'm still not my normal self."

The clog came back, and I called off my responsibilities to do another night under the blanket and with hot tea. I know that it probably is not the greatest idea to over do it at this point....heck, to even moderately do it.

With this weekend's weather forecast what it is, I'm sure I'm going to be stuck at home, able to catch up on planning and work. Although, feeling as I do, I don't see myself shoveling or dealing with ice, I'm hoping that a few more days of rest will get me there.

Ah, but look at that receding hairline. Shoot, I am mid-life, indeed!

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