Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Day #4: Snot Faucet, a Basketball Game and A COMPUTER THAT FINALLY WORKS!

I may be moving slow (my brain isn't working at all), but I now have an upgraded, operable MacBook Pro that functions at the speed it is supposed to. I mean...I typed these letters and they actually appeared as I hit each key. In the last few years, to get this much script to the page, I'd have to wait for the system to catch up by going to the bathroom, cleaning the floors or paving the driveway.

It is great to be back amongst the functioning.

Technologically, that is.

My body is still out of commission. I've heard from many that this is a 10-day cold...3 days to come in, 3 days to stay, and 3 days to leave. The last day is for, "What the hell did I just live through?

Yesterday, I did have the pleasure to attend the Lady Stags' School Day Game against St. Peters and it was a fun event. The crowd of over 2,000 middle school students was extremely inspiring. They were engrossed in the game and super fans.

Another great thing I discovered. I can drag a photo to my desktop and not have to wait 25 minutes for it to register. Remarkable. I'm back to the land of a functioning laptop after 2 years of total frustration. Woot Woot.

Back to cold. I cannot wait to breathe again and to run again and to have my brain back to normal speed. I've am a clogged-up monster who aches everywhere and who doesn't have time to keep fighting this. The semester is creeping up on me and I am in real need of my noggin to function (and for my nose not to drip on my chest as I type).

Glamis, too, is tired of it all, as I've only been able to take her for short walks before I have to sit down and drink more hot liquids. The medicine is fighting, but this crud is no joke. It doesn't want to give in and is totally stubborn.

On a final note, I was sad to hear that Carol Channing passed yesterday - she's a fun character to try to impersonate when I'm feeling healthy (I'm kidding...I can only do Kermit the Frog). I was thinking about it and remembered that she had a piece in Free To Be You and Me, the book and album that was a heartbeat to my childhood. So, I leave this post with some of her voice (and head to the bathroom for more toilet tissue to blow my nose).

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