Sunday, June 16, 2019

Happy Father's, Papi's, Papa's, Daddy's Day - Hope You'll Find Time to Have a Beer or Two

I am writing from Pensacola sending fatherly love to Clay, New York, as I head into Sunday, and prep for the two-day debut at the Emerald Coast Writing Project. It's Father's Day and I am hoping my package made it his driveway in time and it finds him in good health and spirit.

He's be proud of the seafood we prepped and ate yesterday and the stop at a locally brewery to try a few ales famous to the area (although he'd hate the strong flavors of the beers and wonder where he might pick up a Budweiser).

I am also thinking about my mother's words whenever some traveled to the sunshine state when she'd say, "Be careful of that sun down there. It's a different sun."

I was out for a short time yesterday reading and she was right. That sun cooks a little more than we get in the northeast.

I'm proud to say, too, that I had a chance to finally see Captain Marvel, the last of the movies before I finally get to The Avengers: End Game, which I come to really late because I couldn't find anyone to see it with me. Captain Marvel was really good, and now I am really stoked to see the finale (and finally catch up with Mike on it all)

Here's to all the fathers out there - the Papa Smurfs and the Daddy-O's. Here's hoping you have a day of love, celebration, and appreciation.

And if you run into Butch. Bring him a beer for me, will ya? Love you, Dad.

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